Rule #57. No matter which queue you choose, it will always be the one that takes more time.

Monday, 2 July 2012 0 comments

Rule #57. No matter which queue you choose, it will always be the one that takes more time. 

This rule stipulates that by the law of queuing, no matter which queue you choose under any circumstance, it will always be the one that takes more time. 

Note #1: Even if the queue you have chosen is significantly shorter, the person in front will have credit card problems and this will take on average more time than the other queue. 

Note #2. The length of time spent in the longer queue is directly disproportionate to the amount of time you have to spare.

Note #3. Switching queues halfway through the process will lead to new queue taking longer than initially intended. 

Note #4. British people love queuing. 

Note #5. Never queue jump. Refer to Rule #14 for more details. 


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