Rule #43. Never hurt a man's Xbox.

Monday, 28 May 2012 0 comments

Rule #43. Never hurt a man's Xbox. 

This rule stipulates that thou shall never harm a man's Xbox. This goes against the Bro Code, the Girlfriend Code and the General Human being code. These codes should never be broken. Detailed notes of these codes will be covered in later rules. 

Note #1. One for one rule does not apply. Buying a new Xbox for the one you broke is the equivalent of buying me a broccoli because you killed my dog. 

Note #2. The destroyer of Xboxes should compensate the victim at a rate of 20 USD per hour spent on any game played on that Xbox. This rate doubles on any unfinished single player release within the last 4 months. 

Note #3. If the destroyer of the Xbox is a man, the victim is allowed to kick the destroyer in the ball sack three times. 

Note #4. The destroyer of the Xbox shall cover the cost of any funeral proceedings.


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